How Much Slime Do I Need?
To find out how much Slime you need in your tires, select a standard tire size below, or enter your custom tire specs in the Quick Calculator.
How much Slime per tire?:
To find out how much Slime you need in your tires, select a standard tire size below.
Slime Needed:
General tire and tube sizes and their required amounts are listed in the chart above and on our packaging. If you have large tires on your Motorcycle, ATV, Truck, Tractor or Passenger Vehicle, use our handy Slime Calculator (Application Table) to determine exactly how much Slime to install as your tire may require more than our general application amount.

Slime Needed:
The calculator to the left requires the input of your tire’s physical tread WIDTH and HEIGHT measurements. If you have a bike with tubes, check out Slime Smart Tubes which are factory filled with exactly the right amount of Slime . Install them like a regular tube and get all the flat protection benefits of Slime without the fuss!
Warning: For high speed application please use in accordance with our rules and follow applicable guidelines.